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Text File | 1997-12-01 | 16.7 KB | 448 lines | [TEXT/ALFA] |
- ##
- # ###################################################################
- # Vince's Additions - an extension package for Alpha
- #
- # FILE: "ElecCompletions Help"
- # created: 1/8/97 {2:24:21 pm}
- # last update: 1/12/97 {5:46:17 pm}
- # Author: Vince Darley
- # E-mail: <darley@fas.harvard.edu>
- # mail: Division of Engineering and Applied Sciences, Harvard University
- # Oxford Street, Cambridge MA 02138, USA
- # www: <http://www.fas.harvard.edu/~darley/>
- #
- # Copyright (c) 1997 Vince Darley
- #
- # ###################################################################
- ##
- If you want basic help/tutorial information, do the following: when
- you're in a mode for which you want a tutorial on electric completions,
- select 'Completions Tutorial' from the 'Current mode' menu. Follow
- the instructions there.
- Recent changes:
- The code has been split into separate packages. The better templates code
- is now optional --- it is slow on slow machines so some people prefer not
- to use it, but still like all the electric completions etc. The problem
- is that the standard template code lacks some of the more advanced features
- of my version.
- You can modify the following preferences using the
- 'Config->Global->Flags->Electrics' menu item:
- • useElectricMenu --- use electric template menu
- • showElectricsInMenu --- show electric completions in menu
- • showElectricKeysInMenu --- show electric key bindings in menu
- • modeSpecificElecTab --- use mode-specific electric tab
- • electricTab --- use electric tab
- • templateStopColor --- colour of template stops
- • listPickIfMultExpds --- similarly for expansions
- • ElectricFillers --- The format of the template stops:
- 0 = just use bullets
- 1 = use bullets but signal the name in the status window
- 2 = insert names into the window with the bullets
- 3 = insert names and highlight into the window with the bullets
- • maxTemplateNesting--- level of nesting we allow before clearing
- The electric menu contains a 'Templates' sub-menu, which contains global
- templates stored in the variable 'univ::MenuTemplates', and mode-specific
- templates stored in variables ${mode}Templates. The format of these
- variables is a list of names, which correspond to procedures when prepended
- with 'file::'. You can add new items by using the menu item.
- Templates
- Many of the routines in Vince's Additions allow you to insert templates for
- 'for' loops, '\begin...\end environments', file headers, function comments,
- and even entire documents. This section details the features of Vince's
- Additions which allow you to do that. Here's an example of a 'for' template
- in C++ mode (created just by typing 'for<cmd-Tab>'):
- for (•<init>;•<test>;•<increment>){
- •<loop body>
- }
- •
- Once a template has been inserted, it will often contain a number of
- 'place-markers' or 'template-stops' at each of which you will most likely
- wish to enter some text/code. You can jump backwards and forwards amongst
- these stops using a set of key bindings. You have a choice between two
- basic sets (you select using the 'Electric Bindings' dialog):
- Operation Standard Bindings Alternative Set
- "Next Stop Or Tab" Tab ctrl-j
- "Complete" cmd-Tab cmd-Tab
- "Expand" cmd-Space Tab
- "Prev Stop" shift-Tab shift-ctrl-j
- "Real Tab" opt-Tab opt-Tab
- "nth Stop" ctrl-Tab ctrl-opt-j
- "Clear All Stops" shift-ctrl-Tab shift-ctrl-opt-j
- Furthermore you can redefine any of these bindings using that same
- dialog.
- You have a choice between four different formats for the visual appearance
- of the template-stops. They are usually signified by a bullet '•', but
- more elaborate methods are supported. These templates may be nested
- without any extra effort on your part. Most of this code is contained in
- the file "univTemplates.tcl", although all the bindings and initialisation
- are in "univBindings.tcl".
- Look at the new 'electric' menu for a list of these bindings, together
- with some other functions.
- ================================================================================
- Completions
- I've now written a unified collection of procedures to address command
- completion, code indentation, electric-code generation, word completion and
- related facilities (incorporating my old TeX-reference completion for
- example).
- Here's a typical example from TeX mode, I type:
- for an explanation of this phenomenon,
- please refer to Fig<cmd-Tab>
- The <cmd-Tab> signifies that Vince's Additions should try to complete the
- currently typed text. In this case the completion is:
- for an explanation of this phenomenon,
- please refer to Figure~\ref{fig-
- If I hit <cmd-Tab> again, Vince's Additions tries to search for TeX
- '\labels' which begin with 'fig-' to insert the first such label
- it finds into the text:
- for an explanation of this phenomenon,
- please refer to Figure~\ref{fig-heat-vs-time}
- If this is the wrong one, I can keep hitting <cmd-Tab> until I reach the
- correct completion:
- for an explanation of this phenomenon,
- please refer to Figure~\ref{fig-explanation}
- Here's an example from C/C++ modes. I type 'for<cmd-Tab>' and get:
- for (;•;•){
- •
- }
- This works at any current level of indentation, and the bullet marks '•'
- are placemarkers. You can just press 'Tab' (without 'cmd') to jump from
- one to the next.
- These facilities are activated as follows:
- • Tab --- plain - either 'indent' or 'next template mark'
- cmd - complete the current text.
- opt - insert a real tab.
- So, pressing Tab by default will _not_ necessarily insert a tab, rather it
- will indent the current line of code to the correct indentation level to
- match the code around it.
- Types of completion
- Command-Tab has a number of different meanings, which will be explained
- below. Completions are listed in order of precedence.
- User completion:
- all entries defined in the array 'userCompletions' are checked and inserted
- if appropriate. This is useful to make 'vmd' turn into 'Vince Darley', or
- 'www' into my home-page url, or ...
- User completions are active in all modes, and take precedence over all
- other completion types.
- Context sensitive completion:
- Context sensitive completions are mode dependent. In some modes you
- can tell relatively easily from the context whether a particular
- 'word' is a variable or procedure name or... If different completion
- procedures are useful for different types of word, then they are
- checked next. For instance, in Tcl mode, a word beginning with '$',
- or preceded by 'set' or 'global' is a variable name. It should
- therefore be completed preferentially as a variable, rather than
- being expanded as a command. E.g. $str should normally not be
- expanded to '$string ...' since it's clearly not the command 'string'
- that the user is trying to type.
- Command completion:
- For instance: type 'str<cmd-tab>' and it is completed to 'string' (in Tcl
- mode). If there are multiple possibilities then the longest unique prefix
- is inserted.
- The available completions are mode dependent, and stored as a large string
- in the variable ${mode}cmds. They must be stored alphabetically, be
- separated by whitespace, and have a single space at the beginning and end
- of the large string.
- Here is the default value for Tcl mode:
- set Tclcmds { append array catch close concat continue elseif error
- for foreach format lindex lsearch lsort regexp regsub
- rename return string switch while }
- Ensemble completion:
- type 'string co<cmd-Tab' and this is both completed to 'string compare' and
- an electric template is inserted for the arguments of this two part
- command. Useful for any case in which the word before last is the command,
- and the word just before is part of a refinement of that command, in any
- situation for which a number of further arguments will be filled in.
- Electric code template generation:
- type 'for<cmd-tab>' and a complete template for code is generated (example
- for C mode):
- for (;•;•){
- •
- }
- You can move from one template mark '•' to the next with, plain 'Tab' -
- I automatically sense whether a template insertion is in progress or
- not and interpret tab accordingly.
- These are again mode dependent. Each is stored individually as an element
- of the array ${mode}electrics, so, for instance the above electric code is
- generated by:
- set Celectrics(for) " (••;••;••)\{\n\t••\n\}\n••"
- Note how the bullets are double in the definition. You can actually place
- an explanatory bit of text between pairs of bullets. This is then used as
- a hint to the user:
- set Celectrics(for) " (•start•;•test•;•increment•)\{\n\t•body•\n\}\n••"
- Class name completion:
- In C++ mode, when entering a class definition, the class name occurs
- multiple times. To save entering all of these, this completion will
- fill them all in for you. It works like this: type 'class<cmd-tab>'
- class •<object name> : public •<parent> {
- public:
- •<object name>(•<args>);
- ~•<object name>(void);
- };
- •
- Now type the class name, say 'toaster', followed by <cmd-tab>. This
- will result in:
- class toaster : public •<parent> {
- public:
- toaster(•<args>);
- ~toaster(void);
- };
- •
- i.e. each occurrence of the electric stop 'object name' has been
- filled in correctly. This feature may be easily extended to more
- complex examples.
- TeX reference completion:
- type '\ref<cmd-Tab>' and the command is automatically completed with the
- name of a nearby \label{}. Repeated <cmd-Tab> keypresses will cycle
- through all \label's. Further, these commands chain together, so typing
- '\eqr<cmd-Tab>' will complete the \eqref and continue to fill in a nearby
- label!
- These were explained above. Note that the reference completions can be
- instigated by command completion on, 'Fig' 'Chap' 'Eq.' 'Sec', ... which
- insert the standard label prefix 'fig:' 'chap:' 'eq:' 'sec:' as
- appropriate. If you complete with no prefix, then any label will match; if
- you have a prefix then only those which match will be suggested.
- TeX citation completion.
- Type '\cite{Darley19<cmd-Tab>' and the command is completed with a matching
- citation entry from one of your '.bib' database files. If there are
- multiple possibilities, then you are prompted with a list from which to
- choose. (Note: if you find the selection box a bit narrow, it is possible
- to edit Alpha using ResEdit to increase its size). Depending upon the
- value of a TeX flag, the list can include the titles of each choice,
- making it more obvious to you which is correct.
- TeX environment completion:
- \begin{} \end{} pairs with synchronisation of the parameter, and template
- generation of the body.
- You can complete '\begin<cmd-Tab>' followed by 'equ<cmd-Tab>' to the
- following:
- \begin{equation}
- •
- \label{eq:•}
- \end{equation}
- •
- You have a choice between the double-completion, as above, or just typing
- '\begin{equation}<cmd-Tab>' which will do the job in one go.
- Similar things work for 'itemize' 'enumerate' etc. Of particular use
- are the completions for 'figure' environments, from which you can enter
- ordinary figures, floating figures, and a large number of sub-figure
- configurations (2 figures side-by-side, a block of 4,...). For instance,
- a handful of key-presses will give you this:
- \begin{figure}
- \centering
- \subfigure[•“subfig caption”]{\label{fig:•}%
- \includegraphics[width=\figstwo]{•“graphics file”}}\goodgaptwo
- \subfigure[•“subfig caption”]{\label{fig:•}%
- \includegraphics[width=\figstwo]{•“graphics file”}}\\
- \subfigure[•“subfig caption”]{\label{fig:•}%
- \includegraphics[width=\figstwo]{•“graphics file”}}\goodgaptwo
- \subfigure[•“subfig caption”]{\label{fig:•}%
- \includegraphics[width=\figstwo]{•“graphics file”}}%
- \caption•“[short caption for t.o.f.]”{•“caption”}
- \label{fig:•}
- \end{figure}
- •
- For these to work, you must use the correct LaTeX packages (graphics,
- floatingfigure or subfigure as appropriate, although the code will
- automatically insert the correct 'usepackage' specifications for you if
- desired), and you may need the following definitions in your LaTeX
- preamble:
- \newlength{\goodspace}
- \newlength{\goodspacethree}
- \newlength{\goodspacefour}
- \newlength{\figstwo}
- \newlength{\figsthree}
- \newlength{\figsfour}
- \setlength{\goodspace}{\subfigtopskip+\subfigbottomskip}
- \setlength{\goodspacethree}{\goodspace}
- \setlength{\goodspacefour}{\goodspace*\real{0.6}}
- \newcommand{\goodgap}{\hspace{\goodspace}}
- \newcommand{\goodgaptwo}{\goodgap}
- \newcommand{\goodgapthree}{\hspace{\goodspacethree}}
- \newcommand{\goodgapfour}{\hspace{\goodspacefour}}
- \setlength{\figstwo}{(\linewidth-\goodspace)/2-1pt}
- \setlength{\figsthree}{(\linewidth-\goodspace *2)/3-1pt}
- \setlength{\figsfour}{(\linewidth-\goodspace *\real{1.8})/4-1pt}
- These allow good alignment and spacing for most subfigure combinations
- without the need for manual intervention.
- Some environments can contain an arbitrary number of items. In this case,
- hitting 'shift-option-i' will add an item. Here we turn this:
- \begin{description}
- \item[First one] here's the description
- \item[•“name”] •“description”
- \end{description}
- •
- into:
- \begin{description}
- \item[First one] here's the description
- \item[•] •
- \item[•“name”] •“description”
- \end{description}
- •
- Similar entries work correctly for itemised, enumerated, aligned,...
- environments.
- File-name completion:
- Useful for Shel mode, this allows you to type a partial directory or
- filename and hit cmd-Tab to have it extended as much as possible.
- Tcl Variable Completion:
- Tcl variables are often referenced with '$var' or just 'var' or '${var}'.
- You can complete between any of these types. A local search for a match is
- done and the closest match inserted. Again you can cycle through other
- matches with <cmd-Tab>
- Word Completion:
- if none of the above succeeded then the current word is completed to copy
- nearby words (variable names) in the file. Again, repeated presses will
- cycle through other possibilities.
- In any form of text in any mode, if no mode-specific completion matches,
- then any local word can match, complete and be cycled through as usual.
- Template insertion
- You'll notice in a lot of the above examples that bullets '•' are inserted
- into the text. In fact the user has a choice of four different levels of
- interaction with the template insertion procedures. You can change this
- using the universal preferences dialog (in the config menu). You can move
- from one insertion point to the next using the 'tab' key; move backwards
- with 'shift-tab' and jump to any insertion point with 'ctrl-tab'. If you
- don't like these key bindings, an alternative set is available by a change
- in the universal preferences. You can also choose the colour of the
- inserted bullets/prompts.
- The Electric Menu
- By default all items in the ${mode}electrics array are inserted into a new
- menu. This allows you to insert them, and get a feel for a small number
- of the completions which exist. Also at the bottom of the menu are items
- for each of the standard key bindings these routines use, to help you to
- remember them.
- Completion feedback
- Help me to help you!
- Completions for some common items just don't currently exist. So if you
- try to complete something and it doesn't work, why not write a completion
- for it? Once you have assembled a few, mail them to me (preferably
- binhex'd, since bullets '•' don't travel well by ASCII mail). I'd
- particularly like completions for other modes.
- Speed
- Alpha has some limitations which means some aspects of Vince's Additions
- are a little bit slow (on low-end machines, at least).
- Two things you can do to alleviate this: first, in modes for which Tab (or
- ctrl-j under the alternative bindings) ALWAYS means to go the next template
- stop and never means to indent the current line, define a new mode variable
- 'tabNeverIndents' by adding the following line to your "prefs.tcl":
- newPref f tabNeverIndents 1 MODE
- where 'MODE' is 'TeX', 'Java', 'HTML' or whatever. You'll need to add one
- such line for each relevant mode.
- The second thing you can do is to mail Pete Keleher to ask for new features
- and fixes which will improve this problem. What is needed is:
- (i) GetTMarkPos ?-w win? name --- find pos of Tmark 'name' in window
- (ii) GetTMarks ?-w win? --- list Tmarks in given window only
- (iii) curWin ?-f? --- return uppermost window name (full path)
- (iv) a bug fix so 'GetTMarks' doesn't think non-file windows are in
- Alpha's HOME directory.
- ================================================================================